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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
Welcome to we are a prominent media source to support those that are Transgender, Transsexual, Cross Dressers, Gender Non-Conforming, Gender Queer, Gender Questioning individuals and Allies remember there is no such thing as Not Trans Enough
Michael Riley Mullinax is a 35 y.o. male, who is transgender male, however he qoutes “I don't really identify as trans technically. I am just a man, that's the only way I know how to put it. I live in a very rural part of NE GA, which also happens to be where I grew up. I was raised in a VERY conservative Southern Baptist home, not allowed to go anywhere other than school, or really interact with anyone other than people at school... He spent many years as a drug user and a dealer as well, only in the last 10 years really have I been fully in the reality of my own life, much less that of the world. A little over 9 years ago, I met my wife, Linda, whom I have to say has been the driving force behind my transition, my rock if you will. She told me many times that she just didn't see me as a "female" and that something was very different about me in many ways. The more she talked, the more I actually listened.. she got me to give up the drug habits, quit living life for the minute, and really talk about what I was running from. "Be proud of the person you are, and quit trying to make the world happy with it. The first 4 years of my transition, was without hormones, but it WAS NOT enough.. I was still miserable.. so again, more research... then followed by a long argument, and a not so willing trip to the GYN. There would be one of the most eye opening moments for me yet... ater the pap, this doctor said he was intrigued with something and that an ultrasound was deinitely needed.. the ultrasound revealed the possible root of my temper. I had one ovary, and one testicle that had never dropped, he wouldn't prescribe T to me.. but deinitely fueled my fire to get on it as soon as possible... An here I am, almost 3 years later.. I know that my purpose now and that is to make sure that ALL people know that God's love includes us ALL!! I'm working toward my BA in religion, and have every intention of pushing onward into a full blown trans ministry, of course including everyone, but focusing on that spirituality that I know transpeople feel like they can never obtain. I know now that we are dual purpose people... we carry more than one message.. and that each message was intended to be delivered by a different messenger, but yet in just one body!
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