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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
Kelly Harrison was born in Nova Scotia Canada and she quickly realized that she wasn't like the other boys around the age of 4. She quotes: my mother started sending me to see a psychiatrist when I was about six or seven for anti-social behavior towards men. Kelly started getting interested in boys when she was around 8 years old and at that time lost her virginity to a boy.

At around the age of 13 Kelly started think about a sex change, that is when she really started to hide herself and got into a lot of trouble. She started riding motorcycles and hanging around with other bikers. Just after her 40th birthday she heard that my mother was dying and decided that she wasn't going without meeting the real her for the first time. So that is when I started seeking help for my gender problem that I had been hiding all these years.

Kelly has recently been on the news, she filed a human rights complaint against Saskatoon Company.