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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
Justin Norwood is a 30 year old gay activist, who has turned his attention away from mainstream gay politics to address issues he sees emerging in the gay community. A few years ago Justin was at a crossroads in critical thought. Was supporting one community at the expense of another?

Did female people have a say about what was happening in their spaces? Why were all the powerful gay and lesbian organizations turning their attention away from gays and lesbians to focus of the Trans and queer communities. Why was history being revised in the case of Stonewall to center activist that reportedly had little to do with the event? When Justin finally broke away and started publically questioning what was being spoon fed he was met with a great animosity from the trans community. Several trans activist teamed up to find out his information and Doxx him. An online document was released with his old address and work information, so while no harm came from it, the message was clear. “DO NOT QUESTION.”

But Justin has always questioned things, including his personal experiences with his concept of gender expression (As he doesn’t identify as “Cis”.) , and what he has come to understand what gender really is, which is an oppressive social construct specifically set up to keep female people subservient.
He is the writer of the gender abolitionist blog ‘WHOISCIS’, and the creator of the “Homosexuals not Homogenderuals” Facebook page, all of which is set up to question and inspire the questioning of the concepts of gender and transitioning. Especially to inspire gays and lesbians to question politics and ideas that are harmful to them as homosexual people.