Shane Beadle is a Transgender male born female in a small northeastern town in Pennsylvania, but as of the age of five he knew there was something different about him . He didn't feel like a little girl and was constantly jealous of his brother. He asked his Mother one day why did she make me a girl and him a boy ? He blamed and resented her . He prayed every night to God to change him into a boy by the time he woke up the next morning , but of course that was never to be. Needless to say he suffered with this his whole life. Now at the age of 46 he finally took action to correct what was wrong on the outside to harmonize with who he is on the inside . He has been on testosterone for a year and a half now with amazing results and has never been happier in his life. He quotes I have met some amazing transgender brothers and sisters who have supported me through this process. I hope to one day finalize my transition by having top surgery because with that I will feel complete. In my heart and soul all transgender people who have experienced this same journey are my family and I hold true love for all of you, and I hope for all transgender people the journey is a positive and rewarding experience without harassment and prejudice just Love.

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Shane Beadle
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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
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