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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
I am a 51-year-old post-op woman who happens to be father of three children. Because of my transition 6 years ago, the state of Texas removed all my parental rights to my youngest child who was 12 years old at the time (June 2013) The court has barred me from ever having any communication in any way, shape or form to my own child even though I had full legal and physical custody of him in Calif.

The judge in our case ordered me to have a psychiatric evaluation done at my cost by a court appointed doctor with a threat of going to jail if I didn't and the doctor came back with a 22 page document stating I was the better parent. The judge would not allow one word of document in court and removed my parental rights to my child. The same judge went as far as removing my name off my child's birth certificate! am now dedicating my life to helping the world learn about transgender issues.

Me and a friend started a non-profit in California and I have been and am currently traveling the country speaking at both colleges and universities from coast to coast. We also put together one of the biggest trans* conferences on the west coast in Calif. Last Oct 9*'' thrul 1*''. It was an incredible success and we are working on putting together the next one.