I'm a graduate student at the University of Wyoming. In 2003, I moved to the SF Bay Area to transition to male. In 2007, I retransitioned to female. I'm currently working on a nonfiction memoir about the experience, and incorporating research on the retransitioning/detransitioning community. There isn't very much literature on the process at all, and no standard of care for us.

I'm talking with retransitioning people and care providers about their perspectives and experiences - what their journey was like, what worked for them, what didn't, what they would like to see in the future. I'm also speaking to trans people, particularly gender variant or genderqueer trans people, about their experience accessing care.

I would be really glad to speak to anyone who has retransitioned or detransitioned, however they identify or describe their journey. I am hoping to reach out to as broad a group of people as I can, and collect a diverse a range of perspectives.

All interviews are confidential, and I would be happy to answer any questions or put people in touch with my faculty supervisor.

Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.