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Transition Radio Industries September 2012
I was assigned male at birth, and have lived most of my life thinking I was just a normal man. Then in 2011, I realized that my body language, my instinctive social behavior and my physical process of arousal and orgasm are all a lot more like what you usually see in a woman rather than a man. I’ve never fitted in very well as male, and have had a feeling of some weird female thing going on in the background for as far back as I can remember. That gave me the idea that perhaps something unusual happened during my prenatal development to somehow cause parts of my brain to develop as female instead of male. I decided to try to figure out whether such a thing was even possible, and if so, what might have caused it.

Among my first discoveries were that I have a type of body structure that's usually associated with intersex conditions, and that I have symptoms of acute hypogonadism. Basically, my body doesn’t make enough testosterone. Then, I came across a passage in the book "Brain Sex", about a pattern of very shy, socially withdrawn behavior that was often seen in teenaged boys who'd been prenatally exposed to an artificial estrogen called DES. It was virtually a perfect match for my own teenage years.

Shortly after that, I joined an online group of DES sons. It was like walking into a disaster zone, with everyone in the group appearing to suffer from health problems of various kinds, including hypogonadism, and various intersex-related abnormalities. One of the first things I noticed was that it was supposed to be a group for DES sons, yet most of the people posting stuff were using women's names! I later discovered that these people had actually been assigned male at birth, but have since adopted a female identity. That's how I first found out about the link between DES and MTF transsexuality.

Since that time, I've been trying to find out as much as I can about the effects of DES and other manmade hormones on prenatal development, and seeing what people have to say about DES on some of the main transgender forums (such as Laura’s Playground and Susan’s Place). From what I’ve seen, it’s abundantly clear that being prenatally exposed to medically prescribed hormones can make a person trans (and intersexed), and I think it’s its important that the public should know what these substances can do to an unborn baby. Hence my agreeing to be on transition radio!

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